


Latin American Constitutions, Crisis of Representation, Hyperpresidencialism, Participation and Control Mechanisms, Recall


Since the 1980s, and in a context of crisis of representation, several Latin American constitutions adopted participatory instruments in order to oxygenate the worn out institutions of indirect democracy and bring decision-making closer to citizens. Among them, the revocation of the mandate stands out, as it enables the early dismissal of the rulers through the citizen vote. The constitutional incorporation of this mechanism puts popular sovereignty above the representatives. However, this participatory and democratic advance conceals an opposite political strategy, aimed at increasing and reinforcing the concentration of powers in the Executive. This article analyzes the process of incorporation of the revocation of mandate in the constitutions of Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru in the period 1993-2009, in order to show its real role and participatory impact in the context of the reforms of which they were part.

Author Biography


Doctora en Ciencia Política (UNSAM), Doctora por la Facultad de Derecho (UBA), Posdoctora por la Facultad de Derecho (UBA), Magíster en Ciencia Política y Sociología (FLACSO), Licenciada en Ciencia Política (UBA), Investgadora del CONCET, Profesora de UBA y UNAJ. ORCID: E-mail:


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How to Cite

EBERHARDT, M. L. (2021). INCORPORATION OF THE RECALL IN THE CONSTITUTIONS OF LATIN AMERICA: EXPANDING DIRECT DEMOCRACY OR REINFORCING PRESIDENTIALISM?. Constituição, Economia E Desenvolvimento: Revista Eletrônica Da Academia Brasileira De Direito Constitucional , 13(25), 182–209. Retrieved from

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