
  • Rute Mikaele Pacheco da Silva


Constitution, Social Rights, Public Servants, Subsidies


The scope of this paper is to discuss the possibility of limiting the labor social rights of public servants, after the incorporation of the remuneration system of subsidies in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil in 1988, by Constitutional Amendment no 19, considering the position adopted by doctrine and Judiciary until now, as there is no peaceful understanding about the matter. The method used was the deductive approach, starting with general considerations about the subsidy system and its consequences for the social rights of public servants. The procedure used for data collection was the literature with the use of doctrines, papers, electronic media and legislation, and documental research that consisted on the analysis of case law derived of the national courts. This paper was divided into five sections, with the first as the introduction, followed by the second section which discusses the historical and contemporary aspects of social rights, with the third about the incorporation of the system of subsidies in the current Constitution, the fourth by the analysis of the judgments on the social rights in the face of the remuneration system of subsidies, and the fifth and last with the conclusion.

Author Biography

Rute Mikaele Pacheco da Silva

The scope of this paper is to discuss the possibility of limiting the labor social rights of public servants, after the incorporation of the remuneration system of subsidies in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil in 1988, by Constitutional Amendment no 19, considering the position adopted by doctrine and Judiciary until now, as there is no peaceful understanding about the matter. The method used was the deductive approach, starting with general considerations about the subsidy system and its consequences for the social rights of public servants. The procedure used for data collection was the literature with the use of doctrines, papers, electronic media and legislation, and documental research that consisted on the analysis of case law derived of the national courts. This paper was divided into five sections, with the first as the introduction, followed by the second section which discusses the historical and contemporary aspects of social rights, with the third about the incorporation of the system of subsidies in the current Constitution, the fourth by the analysis of the judgments on the social rights in the face of the remuneration system of subsidies, and the fifth and last with the conclusion.


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How to Cite

Mikaele Pacheco da Silva, R. (2020). SOCIAL RIGHTS OF PUBLIC SERVANTS IN THE SUBSIDY SALARY-SYSTEM. Constituição, Economia E Desenvolvimento: Revista Eletrônica Da Academia Brasileira De Direito Constitucional , 5(9), 433–455. Retrieved from

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