
  • Renzo Orlandi Universidade de Bolonha


Operation, Mani Pulite, Political context, Constitutional Law


Corruption procedures are common even today in Italy. On the other hand, the procedures that became known as “Mani Pulite” have a singular characteristic. What distinguishes them from those initiated in other periods, based on similar events, is the devastating impact the judicial experience had on the destiny of the Italian ruling political class. What conclusion may we take from the experience here described? What lessons? Opinions are still divided in Italy. There are those that see “Mani Pulite” as a healthy work of ethical regeneration, made possible by judges that were finally independent of political powers, a work of anomalous transformation of politicians, done by the judiciary in the context of the incapacity of the political class to reform itself. Others, however, are inclined to think that “Mani Pulite” dangerously put the balance of powers within the Sate out of balance, between judges and politicians, giving judges and prosecutors powers that were, in fact, uncontrollable and unchecked, especially when their initiatives are sustained by irrational moments of public opinion.

Author Biography

Renzo Orlandi, Universidade de Bolonha

Professor Ordinário de Direito Processual Penal na Universidade de Bolonha.


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How to Cite

Orlandi, R. (2020). ‘MANI PULITE’ OPERATION AND ITS POLITICAL, LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL CONTEXT. Constituição, Economia E Desenvolvimento: Revista Eletrônica Da Academia Brasileira De Direito Constitucional , 8(15), 378–405. Retrieved from https://abdconstojs.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/151

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