Uma análise da aplicação da ponderação de princípios no Estado Democrático de Direito Brasileiro


  • Bruna Silva Araújo Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologia de Viçosa
  • Renata Silva Gomes Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais


Fundamental Rights Theory, Legal Argumentation, Weighting Principles, Maximum Proportionality, Robert Alexy (1945-


This paper investigates whether the weighting of principles contained in the Theory of Fundamental Rights of the German jurist Robert Alexy has been received by Brazilian higher courts in the molds of a rational legal argumentation. To this end, a comprehensive and applied legal research was conducted, using the discourse analysis technique. Initially, a study was made of the main concepts of Alexy's theory of law, such as the meaning of law and rule, and the distinction between rules and principles. Next, the technique of the Maxim of Proportionality, developed by Alexy to weigh principles in concrete cases, was introduced. We then proceeded to a comparative analysis between three Brazilian jurists who have dedicated themselves to the study of the theory and its reception by the Brazilian higher courts. It was found that there is a divergence among them regarding the acceptance of the theory in its philosophical and structural aspects. The criticisms made by Lênio Luiz Streck are refuted by Alexandre Travessoni Gomes Trivisonno and Júlio Aguiar de Oliveira, who consider that the opponent of the theory would have committed a mistake by taking into account its distorted application in Brazil. Despite the divergences found, it was verified that both supporters and opponents are unanimous in affirming that Brazilian jurisprudence has not understood the need to apply the Maxim of Proportionality according to the precepts of a rational argumentation, capable of avoiding judicial protagonism. Finally, two classic cases from the jurisprudence of the Federal Supreme Court were presented, which corroborated the thesis of non-reception of the weighting of principles in Brazilian soil.


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How to Cite

Silva Araújo, B., & Silva Gomes, R. (2023). A APLICAÇÃO DA PONDERAÇÃO DE PRINCÍPIOS PELO STF: Uma análise da aplicação da ponderação de princípios no Estado Democrático de Direito Brasileiro. Constituição, Economia E Desenvolvimento: Revista Eletrônica Da Academia Brasileira De Direito Constitucional , 15(28), 114–141. Retrieved from https://abdconstojs.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/307