Judicial Review, Interpretation of laws, Democracy, Constitution as a Living TreeAbstract
The concern with the interpretation made by the judges is recurrent in the academic community, and its legitimacy, the democratic aspect, as well as its limits for such action are often cited by the doctrine, both those who adopt a favorable position and those who adopt a position unfavorable. Such concerns and criticisms do not refer only to judicial review itself, but also address the notion of a Constitution or Charter of Rights as a fixed and pre-established point. Thus, this article seeks to mention what we believe to be the main criticisms and favorable arguments for having a Constitution with fundamental rights, as well as for the judicial review itself, to verify if it is permissible to adopt a hierarchically superior Constitution the laws promulgated by the Legislative Power and by the Executive Branch, as well as with regard to the judicial review system in Brazil, or even if the Constitution and judicial review are desirable, and, if so, what their limits would be, bringing as a possibility the notion of Constitution as a tree Wil Waluchow, suggesting small changes in theory.
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