Criminal law, Culpability, Co-guilt, Guilt by vulnerability, SocietyAbstract
This work aims to analyze and understand the possibility of developing the guilt from the state in the process of criminalization in Brazil. As well as focusing on the general part of the Criminal Law merging with the current structure of society, so that we can better understand the crime, the criminal act of disapproval and judgment. Understanding thus the social and psychological conditions of the offender, what their tendencies toward certain types of criminal offenses, as well as the slope of the socially excluded to practice crime. Seeking also reassess the Criminal Law and throughout its route when it comes to the elements of the offense and in particular culpability in allusion to the root of social behavior. Demonstrating that, as a result of being deprived of a responsible state and providing an adequate social integration, it may be responsible for the crime committed. Fitting also investigate the social order and state action, through the mechanisms by which creates the current society to pursue a counter-selectivity. And finally, differentiate terminologies: co-guilt and culpability for vulnerability.
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