Genetic profiles (DNA / DNA), Constitution, Criminal procedureAbstract
This article presents a summary of the preliminary analysis of the constitutionality of Law 12.654/12 – which establishes collecting genetic profile as a form of criminal identification – when it was still considered the Draft Law 93/2011, as a part of the research conducted by the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in partnership with the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), financed by the Ministry of Justice, in the context of the “Projeto Pensando o Direito” (BRA PROJECT / 07/004). The constitutionality of the legal text was examined considering (I) the adoption, in Brazil, of a constitutional criminal procedure, (II) the postulates of due process, the state of innocence and the right not to self- incrimination, (III) among others fundamental rights potentially in conflict with the regulations introduced by the PL. Were also taken into account (IV) the risks of an emergency or symbolic criminal law (emphasizing the purposes of criminal policy in stead of the constitutional guarantees) and specially (V) the possible supervening use of individual as a “medium” or “instrument” in the course of criminal proceedings to the point of affecting his dignity. Finally, we studied the use of Robert Alexy's proportionality as a form of collating the interests of criminal policy with fundamental rights and guarantees of the individual and thus to meet a possible solution for the implementation of new legislation in a constitutional way.
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