Emotional damage, Engagement, Civil liabilityAbstract
The purpose of this article is to review the civil liability resultant of engagement disruption from the perspective of the principle of human dignity. Therefore, it initially discusses the legal nature of the social bonding of engagement, and then addressing the liability hypothesis arising from their rupture, considering the possible infringement of personal rights of the involved parties as well as their involvement in the dimension of reparability of the moral and material damages through the principle of human dignity. The development of this study was conducted by qualitative literature review in which it sought to analyze the relevant theoretical foundations of the involved legal concepts and the exposure of concrete situations already examined by the national judiciary, to finally conclude that the stipulation of monetary values due to the dissolution of the marriage promise is not a monetization of affective relationships, as well as the incidence of moral damages in the circumstances described does not necessarily symbolizes an offense to human feelings.
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