Cooperativism, Capitalism, Development, Brazilian ConstitutionAbstract
The cooperativism is a alternative practice of production and distribution of wealth, whose activity requires the adoption of practices and the rooting of principles diametrically opposed to capitalist system. The Brazilian Constitution, in spite of capitalist economic system, stimulates, on many devices, the adoption of the cooperativism. The development of some society isn’t linked only to economic growth, how many time we understand, but a many factors relative the welfare of citizens and to increase its quality of life. Accordingly, the development only can be happen with the reduction of the social inequality and with the increasing of the access to consumer goods between the population. For this, the cooperativism is an instrument very important and highly legitimated by Constitutional text, because, besides to improve the material conditions, craves the consolidation of human relationship based on democracy, solidarity, responsibility and on the freedom of each one.
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