Rights of domestic workers, Principle of equality, Constitutional interpretation, Economic and social developmentAbstract
This paper aims to review one of the principle of equality, demonstrated decreased, therefore, its historical development as well as the world paradoxes in the text of the sole paragraph of art. 7 of Law Major. Moreover, it presents the traditional rights and the new rights of Domestic recommended by Law no. 11.324/2006, revealing the critical and doctrinal controversies. The method of approach occurred in a mixed considering the use of hypothetical-deductive and dialectical method. As for the method of procedure was used historical and typological methods. The conclusion is that, although the recent Law on Domestic establish new rights, there are still restrictions when compared to other kinds of workers. Thus, there is no compatibility with the guiding spirit of the Constitution Act, regarded as a citizen, and that proves to be a mismatch with the principle of equality triggering a serious blow to the economic system and social and legal in the country.
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