Constellation, Post-National, Habermas, European. CrisisAbstract
The article presented is a review about the considerations made by Jurgen Habermas in his book "The Post-National Constellation: Political Essays" and current framework of the European crisis. According to the author, the nation-state, compared to economic globalization, is impelled to form political unions with other states, a phenomenon to which the author refers to as post-national constellation and, in this context, the example of the European Union is important to test conditions of democratic politics beyond the nation state through a global governance. Basing themselves in such positions, the big question that arises before the propositions of Habermas is how to deal with the fact that the current crisis experienced by the European Union and with the feeling that Europe as an illustration of rationality, democratic dialogue and community constitutional that extends beyond the borders of a single country, through solidarity among citizens, does not seem sustainable.
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