
  • Patrícia Galvão Ferreira FGV/SP


Development, Globalization, Governance


The last two decades have witnessed the elevation of institutional theories of development to the forefront of mainstream development studies. Exponents of institutional theories recognize that promoting development requires policies to improve physical infrastructure, to enhance financial and human capital, and/or to address geopolitical, geographic, historical and cultural factors. Institutionalists make a compelling case, however, that investing in the improvement of the institutional, or governance framework within developing nations is the most effective way, even a pre-requisite, to promote development. A “good governance” framework, according to institutional theorists, is key to facilitate the achievement of all development objectives, and to address negative disruptions and externalities inherent in the development process.

Author Biography

Patrícia Galvão Ferreira, FGV/SP

Doutora em direito e desenvolvimento e estudos internacionais pela Universidade de Toronto, pesquisadora associada do Instituto de Estudos de Trabalho e Sociedade (IETS) no Rio de Janeiro, atualmente pesquisadora visitante da FGV/Direito São Paulo, ocupou a Cátedra Nabuco de Estudos Brasileiros na Universidade de Stanford de Março a Setembro de 2013. 


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How to Cite

Galvão Ferreira, P. (2020). OPPENING BORDERS: THE CONVERGENCE OF "LAW AND DEVELOPMENT" AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE. Constituição, Economia E Desenvolvimento: Revista Eletrônica Da Academia Brasileira De Direito Constitucional , 4(7), 302–349. Retrieved from https://abdconstojs.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/54

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