Quotas Policy of the Brazilian Superior Teaching, Constitutional Principle of Equality, Applicable interpretations, Social inequalitiesAbstract
The objective of this paper is to analyze the current Affirmative Action Policy of Brazilian Universities created by Federal Law n.o 12.711/2012, with special attention to the possible interpretations pertinent to the Constitutional Principle of Equality. In order to achieve the proposed objective, we employed as research methodology the reading of bibliographical works on the theme, as well as summation and cross-analysis of ideas of many authors specialized in the area. The results inferred after the conclusion of the research are that 1) the current Affirmative Action Policy des not injure the Constitutional Principle of Equality, as well as 2) such Policies are necessary to correct segregationist behaviors erected in the past and 3) the best interpretation applicable to the debate is that the people are equal before the law, but this is only a formal equality and materially, in the practical life, people are different. Thus, Affirmative Action in Universities are important and necessary, because they help to minimize the social inequalities of Brazil.
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